EUR 38,00


EUR 38,00
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Important information

Opening times:
Daily from 1st of may to the 31st of october

  • Cash desk (visitor’s centre): 8.30 – 15.00
  • Cable car (up to the cave): 8.45 – 15.20
  • Cave (tour): 9.30 – 15.45
EUR 38,00

Buy a ticket and reservation

Due to the limited capacity, entrance tickets should be bought online in advance. With your ticket, you reserve your entry for a 30-minute period of your choice (e.g. entry between 11 and 11.30).

If you miss the reservation time or buy a ticket on site, you can only be given the times that are still free, which may mean you need to wait longer.
EUR 38,00

Physical requirements

When you visit the cave, you will go up a total of 134 metres in altitude. This corresponds to climbing the stairs of a 40-storey high-rise building. It is the personal responsibility of each visitor to decide whether they are capable of doing this.

Of course, the beautiful ice formations and the impressive dimensions make up for any effort. The pace of the tour is adjusted to each group of visitors. However, people with severe mobility issues or cardiovascular diseases are advised not to visit the cave.
EUR 38,00